Sierra Sportsmen and Junior Division Inc.
P.O. BOX 1807
Susanville, CA 96130

Susanville Pizza Factory
June 3,2024


Bill FeirabendPresident 
Wayne JamboisVice President 
Sophia WagesSecretary 
Elaine JacobsTreasurer 
Don WilliamsClay Dusters 
Phil GuistiClaybreakersX
Dennis ObergLassen RegulatorsX
Jim WagesArmorer 
VacantRange Coordinator 
Clayton GundersonPaiute Creek RenegadesX
Bill FeierabendCMP 
Chris ManceboChief InstructorX


2. CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m. by President Bill Feierabend



5. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sophia Wages, Jim Wages, Jess Jacobs, Elaine Jacobs, George Affonso, Todd Robinson, Tom Albers, Crystal Albers, Steve Anderson, Matt Denney, Benny Morrow, Michael Morrow, Thomas Page, Wayne Jambois, Bill Feierabend, Don Williams, Chris Gallegher, John Spencer, Scott Parks, and Alex Duru (sp).

6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - March 4, 2024. MSCU Steve Anderson/ Elaine Jacobs to approve as amended with changes.

7. CORRESPONDENCE - Letter to Kris Thomassen for Donation was sent thanking him for $100 donation to the Club.

8. TREASURER'S REPORT: Elaine read the Treasurer's Report. Balance for Sportsmen’s Fiscal Report - $15,037,63; Trap Fiscal Report - $12,567.43. MSCU Jim Wages/Matt Denney to approve. See Attached.

9. CLUB REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS: Don Williams – have been shooting during this winter. Phil Guisti – Absent; Jim Wages, Regulators – membership increased by 25% - child of shooter attending. Armorers report - all armament is locked up. Scott, nothing to report; Paiute Creek, Labor Day weekend shoot scheduled for this year. If too late, will go back to original date. \Elaine asked Club Reps to explain their group to new members in attendance. CMP – Bill still hoping to have a match this year due to weather.


  1. Second Reading to Approve Officer Elections for 2 -year terms. (First Reading – September 23, 2023) (DISCUSSION/ACTION) MSCU Scott Parks/Steve Anderson to approve.
  2. 100 yd Rifle Bay Update (DISCUSSION/INFORMATION) – President Bill indicated that Wayne and Benny did a lot of work. Bill hasn’t gotten actual dimensions for that. It is still in the works.

11.NEW BUSINESS (Discussion/Action)

  1. Estimates for culverts to complete the draining for the West Road at Upper Gate. (DISCUSSION/ACTION) Jess Jacobs reported on the second upper gate; 30 feet of culvert across the road will take care of drainage that needs to be done. The Club needs to set money aside for 1 or 3 years; Cowboys section drainage is complete. He gave the following estimates for the work to be done. PeeWee Construction - $6500-7,000; Crazy J - $11,140.41 Discussion followed. Jim Wages was in favor of getting the project done if we have the money. President Bill asked if we have the money to complete the project and Treasurer Elaine said we did and some of the Clubs could chip in too. He indicated that CMP could pay $500 and Trap could pay $500 and the Club pay the balance. MSCU Wayne Jambois/Jess Jacobs to have Club to approve Pee Wee Construction’s Bid. CMP and Trap will each pay $500 towards the bill and the Club will pay the balance.
  2. Weed abatement for Range (DISCUSSION/INFORMATION) Wayne Jambois is working with Will Johnson Weed Abatement Officer BLM to draft plan for BLM for approval.
  3. Establish dates for “Work Schedule” for cleaning Range (DISCUSSION/ACTION)– MSCU/ Elaine Jacobs/ Scott Parks, for Bill to establish cleanup maintenance to schedule 2 times a year carried over the date; April 27 Fall – Late September 28.
  4. Winter Lock (DISCUSSION/INFORMATION) Jim Wages inquired about the lock. Needs person(s) who have the lock to tell him because he sends people up there. It was decided that Don Williams and Bill Feierabend will be the “key” people.
  5. Camera testing/placement for Range (DISCUSSION/INFORMATION) Chris will report. Bill will call subcommittee meeting for this.
  6. Range Porta-Potty (5) servicing - Benny said to have late Spring and Early summer service (DISCUSSION/INFORMATION)

12. OTHER (Discussion/Information)

  1. Members were encouraged to contact Megan/Brian Dahle SB 1160 registration of Firearms tax fee. David Fredrick, CRPA asked the Club for volunteers to help sign up members at the County Fair Booth.

13. ADJOURNMENT 6:57 pm MSCU/Jim Wages/ Steve Anderson to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sophia Wages

Sophia Wages, Secretary

Sierra Sportsmen's Club

Dated 6/3/24
Approved: 9/4/2024
